Is Your Dogs Collar a Killer?
dogs could die. Since it's a good idea to have ID on a dog at all times, a
friend told me about these. This collar could save your
dogs life if they collar play or when crated, many reasons to look at
these. It is so important to have ID on
a dog, thus, a collar, but, since we encourage harnesses for walking, this is
just a little money for a lot of insurance.
How pet food is killing your dog - and why you should be feeding it parsnips and yoghurt
It’s All Chicken to Pet Food
What kind of chicken is in your
pet food? Emulsified chicken parts? DOA’s? Condemned?
Straight from the mouth of a pet food ingredient supplier – the truth about pet
food chicken.
Here's something to chew on: Bad pet food
Kirkland or Diamond Pet Food?
Settlement. When is next time?
5 Steps to Upgrading Your Dog's Commercial Dog Food Diet
With that said, what about the state of Sardines
now? I gave ours away. ( Sardines)
Where’s the Beef? Why your dog should never eat another Milk-Bone or Beggin Strip
“Where’s the conscience of Del Monte and Purina when they put toxins and animal waste in our pets’ food? And they’re not the only ones. Anyone that hides behind “Natural Flavors” on their label instead of telling us exactly what those flavors are (ADI, Waggin’ Train) needs a firm kick in the caboose. Just because the FDA allows manufacturers to do it, doesn’t mean they should.”
Costco, Diamond Pay $2M To Settle Dog Food Salmonella Suit
Costco, Diamond
Pay $2M To Settle Dog Food Salmonella Suit
Law360, New York (January 29, 2014, 5:51 PM ET) -- Diamond Pet Foods Inc. and
Costco Wholesale Corp. on Tuesday agreed to pay $2 million to settle a proposed
class action over large recalls in 2012 of dog food linked to a salmonella
outbreak that sickened pets and 14 people.
Plaintiff Barbara
Marciano alleged one of her dogs died after eating pet food purchased at a
Westbury, N.Y., Costco and manufactured at Diamond's plant in Gaston, S.C., where
the outbreak began. Diamond pulled three brands of dog food off shelves in
April 2012.
How Safe is Your Pet from Government Lies?
How should I store Kibble?
Once you spend all that money on good kibble, you won’t want to ruin it. Vets have a term for digestive upsets called “ The Bottom of the Bag Syndrome” Rancid food.
We keep our large bags well folded up and closed with clamps. We put those in a plastic container in the basement, which is the coolest room in the house. If you have small dogs, we store our food upstairs on the counter in these. Human grade and airtight. They also have pet food containers, which I would use and still keep your pet food IN the bag. Counter top. Pet Food
Many, many products for out dogs teeth
contain Chlorhexidine.
Mouthwash users risk heart
attack, what about our pets?
Antibiotic Alternatives For Your Dog
Three natural alternatives to antibiotics you need to know
about. Click here:
Turmeric can be as effective as NSAIDs, steroids, aspirin and more!
Brain Boosting Games
Brain Boosting Games
Keep your dog mentally sharp
Have to leave or evacuate quickly?
Have a kit. Make a plan. Include your pets.
Are your pets prepared for a disaster? Do you have enough water, food and medication for you and your pets? What about flashlights, batteries and candles? Is your cell phone charged fully? Do you have an evacuation plan in place and sheltering options ready should you need to leave quickly? What if you were forced to shelter in place for a week, could you survive? Taking a few moments of consideration now can make a world of difference if you find yourself impacted. We strongly encourage our extended family members to ensure you have items enough to shelter in place for at least 5 days.
The golden rule in disaster planning for pets: If you live in an area impacted and are evacuating, TAKE YOUR PETS WITH YOU! The Federal Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) ensures your right to evacuate with your pet when needed. Know your rights! In a disaster, BHH feels strongly there should be NO PET LEFT BEHIND. #nopetleftbehind
Here are some pet-specific tips to help plan: Make sure your pet has on a collar and tags with current information. If your pet is micro-chipped, take a moment to ensure the chip info is up-to-date. Grab at least 2 weeks worth of medicines, and your pets important records, food and water for 2 weeks, as well as a sharpie marker and put them in a Ziploc or other waterproof storage in a place easily accessible in time of need, we suggest adding to your family disaster readiness kit. We also suggest if possible you add some comfort items (toys, treats) but the KEY is to have essentials. We always suggest adding an extra Ziploc to the kit (this can be used to store your cellphone in a disaster). Take a photo of your pet on your phone, and post to your FB page, or email to friends (this helps create a record of your pet which is accessible anywhere). If you have no obviously identifying tag/collar on your pet and will be evacuating, we typically recommend somehow putting an obvious ID on the dog. Using a sharpie to write contact info on a belly is an option if you keep the dog dry (which is likely tricky in this situation), you can also grab a neck tie, scarf, or other item that will loosely secure to the dog -be sure to write your full contact information on the item where it is visible. In the event you are separated from your furry family member having an obvious identifier can help with a reunification.
Are your pets prepared for a disaster? Do you have enough water, food and medication for you and your pets? What about flashlights, batteries and candles? Is your cell phone charged fully? Do you have an evacuation plan in place and sheltering options ready should you need to leave quickly? What if you were forced to shelter in place for a week, could you survive? Taking a few moments of consideration now can make a world of difference if you find yourself impacted. We strongly encourage our extended family members to ensure you have items enough to shelter in place for at least 5 days.
The golden rule in disaster planning for pets: If you live in an area impacted and are evacuating, TAKE YOUR PETS WITH YOU! The Federal Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) ensures your right to evacuate with your pet when needed. Know your rights! In a disaster, BHH feels strongly there should be NO PET LEFT BEHIND. #nopetleftbehind
Here are some pet-specific tips to help plan: Make sure your pet has on a collar and tags with current information. If your pet is micro-chipped, take a moment to ensure the chip info is up-to-date. Grab at least 2 weeks worth of medicines, and your pets important records, food and water for 2 weeks, as well as a sharpie marker and put them in a Ziploc or other waterproof storage in a place easily accessible in time of need, we suggest adding to your family disaster readiness kit. We also suggest if possible you add some comfort items (toys, treats) but the KEY is to have essentials. We always suggest adding an extra Ziploc to the kit (this can be used to store your cellphone in a disaster). Take a photo of your pet on your phone, and post to your FB page, or email to friends (this helps create a record of your pet which is accessible anywhere). If you have no obviously identifying tag/collar on your pet and will be evacuating, we typically recommend somehow putting an obvious ID on the dog. Using a sharpie to write contact info on a belly is an option if you keep the dog dry (which is likely tricky in this situation), you can also grab a neck tie, scarf, or other item that will loosely secure to the dog -be sure to write your full contact information on the item where it is visible. In the event you are separated from your furry family member having an obvious identifier can help with a reunification.
Zinc: You Call It a Trace Mineral, But It Could Be Fatal for Your Dog
Another source of zinc not frequently mentioned is deliberate supplementation by pet owners who believe their dog or cat needs extra zinc in their diet. There is a rare skin condition called canine zinc-responsive dermatosis that occurs in some northern breed dogs. Some pet owners wrongly assume supplemental zinc will help with their pet’s dry, flaky or allergic skin and begin supplying zinc pills, which can cause fatal toxicosis in some cases.
Read more here.
A Large Vaccine Problem For Small Dogs
Did you know that a 160 pound Mastiff and a 10 pound Chihuahua both get the same amount of vaccine? Unlike every other veterinary drug, 1 ml of vaccine is given to every dog, regardless of his size.
Besides Titers, here are two alternatives.
are specific vaccinations that are available
not all clinics have them. They are called Continuum vaccines
are good for three years. One covers Parvo, the other Distemper and
Adenovirus. Make sure the
clinic you are using has these vaccines. Indian Trail Vet Clinic in Spokane is one that does and they like to do a rotation
so your dog
will only get one type of vaccine once a
I really like these Contiuum vaccines, even though the five in one . minus Lepto is good for five to seven years, the Continuum, well placate groomers ect. Indian Trail spaces them out so they only get one vaccine at a time, at least three weeks apart.
Dodd’s vaccine protocol.
The Sanctuary of Sorrow
Many of you may never have seen this. KOMO news in Seattle had the guts to do many reports on this travesty. Thank you Jeff Burnside! This took place in a remote town in Washington State, right as you come out of the Olympic Rain Forrest. Forks, you should be ashamed! Please watch, this is going on all over the country, similar things, and we need to all be vigilant and watchful. We also need to push our state legislators and county officials to improve our laws.
Part 2
Rescue Dogs Rock!
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