Saturday, March 22, 2014

Newsletter 3-22-14


An agreement allows Sergeant’s and Wellmark to produce pet collars using propoxur until April 1, 2015, and distribute them until April 1, 201

"Rabies vaccines are the most common group of biological products identified in adverse event reports received by the CVB [Center for Veterinary Biologics]." % of dogs affected: Vomiting-28.1%, Facial Swelling-26.3%, Injection Site Swelling or Lump-19.4%, Lethargy-12%, Urticaria-10.1%, Circulatory shock-8.3%, Injection site pain-7.4%, Pruritus-7.4%, Injection site alopecia or hair loss-6.9%, Death-5.5%, Lack of Consciousness-5.5, Diarrhea-4.6%, Hypersensitivity (not specified)-4.6%, Fever-4.1%, Anaphylaxis-2.8%, Ataxia-2.8%, Lameness-2.8%, General signs of pain-2.3%, Hyperactivity-2.3%, Injection site scab or crust-2.3%, Muscle tremor-2.3%, Tachycardia-2.3%, and Thrombocytopenia-2.3%.
Now online: Postmarketing Surveillance of Rabies Vaccines for Dogs to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 4/1/08, Vol. 232, No. 7

Glucocorticoid: Avoid This Popular Pet Drug Until You Learn Its

Shocking Side Effects


But Why Can’t I just Train It Out?

Most canine behavior problems are a result of fear or anxiety, meaning that the behaviors you actually observe your dog doing are elicited by fear or anxiety. You cannot resolve these problems by using punishment and you cannot ‘train them out’

NEW VIDEO!! Are you or someone you know dealing with flea-nile? If so, you need to recognize the 5 stages.  


Holistic and natural help for arthritic pain and other mobility problems abound. Meat-based fresh food diets and weight reduction are the first steps towards improvement. I discuss many more in this week's "Ask the Vet" reply.

Treating for Growls

The Making of a Therapy Dog

Fun Picture

Is it Feed or Food?


Family dog carries your body odor in brain!


Allergy Season 

Spring has sprung here and it's ALLERGY SEASON! You really SHOULD call your vet and ask before you medicate your dog especially with over-the-counter human medications. That said, do not EVER give your dog a human allergy pill with a "-D" designation, like Claritin-D or Zyrtec-D, etc. The "D" is for a decongestant, pseudoephedrine, which can cause all SORTS of bad side effects and even death. NO -D FOR DOGS!

Pet Food Should Be Food sign petition.

Demand that major brands like Pillsbury, Smucker’s, and Sara Lee stop using azodicarbonamide – a plastic chemical used to make yoga mats – in their products. Add your name:


Do you know what a nosode is? 

If you don't, it might be time you did  Learn how you can replace harmful vaccines with safe and easy-to-give nosodes:

Stuffing a Kong.

Great Kong stuffing ideas, and ways to to build up interest:

Flea and tick product dangers

Our dogs for adoption.



We have decided Lady is a Doxie/Boston X.


We would love to get these dogs homes like yours, so please forward this to others.

Better days to come for dogs and cats.

Ken and Lona Holm
Inland Small Dog Rescue

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